All information must be linked to Early Years policies and to the DHSSPS Minimum Standards for Children Under Age 12 and, where appropriate, the ETI guidelines.
By the end of the session, participants will know how to deal with a range of safeguarding issues including:
- Understanding the role of the Designated Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Officer.
- Assessment and the organisational policy and procedures regarding safeguarding.
- Local Health and Social Care structures, referral procedures and subsequent processes.
- Exploration of values regarding child abuse and explanation of the impact of these on professional practice.
- Exploration of barriers to staff reporting child protection concerns and consideration of strategies to alleviate them.
- Record keeping and communicating confidential and sensitive issues.
- Supporting staff dealing with Child Protection issues.
- Whistleblowing and managing allegations against staff.
- Working with parents when dealing with sensitive issues.
- Managing stress and seeking support.
- Ensuring Child Protection/Safeguarding is raised at each AGM.
This course will run over the course of two evenings and upon completion all delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
*This course is aimed at those who have previously completed the full safeguarding children course but are within 90 days of, or 90 days after the date of their certificate expiring. Additionally, we do request a copy of the certificate ahead of the course in order to ensure that our own robust quality assurances are adhered to.