To develop common surgical techniques through practical workshops, continuous feedback and assessments.
- Outline gowning and gloving before surgery
- Observe demonstrations and use repetition to refine technique
- Discuss the correct handling of instruments
- Identify correct technique for knot tying and discuss types of knots and tying at depth
- Outline various suturing techniques and forms of suturing
- Discuss tissue handling and dissection including local anaesthetic technique
- Outline treatment of a traumatic wound including abscess drainage and abdominal close and drain insertion
- Outline the basic principles of electrosurgery
- Outline the basic principles of endoscopic surgery
Pre-Course Material
Delegates will receive a handbook and access to a online learning platform in order to gain a sufficient level of baseline knowledge, delivered through interactive content, videos and MCQs. This must be completed prior to attending the two practical days.
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Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP)
Tomorrow’s Surgeons: Foundation Course in Surgical Skills
Open surgery
At the end of the course delegates should be able to:
- Understand and practice safe operating techniques in a safe environment for the patient, themselves and the team
- Understand the characteristics and safe handling of surgical instruments and sharps
- Understand that careful and sound aspects of technique are more important than simple manual dexterity or speed
- Understand and practice the techniques of gowning and gloving
- Understand and practice the correct techniques for laying safe surgical knots and placing sutures
- Understand the principles of handling tissues and recognise differing requirements for differing sites e.g. skin, bowel, abdominal wall, vessels and tendons
- Understand and practice safe local anaesthetic techniques
- Understand the principles of assessment and primary surgical management of infected and contaminated soft tissues
At the end of the course delegates should be able to:
- Understand the principles behind the practical and safe use of electrosurgery devices
Endoscopic surgery
At the end of the course delegates should be able to:
- Understand the differences between open and endoscopic surgery, including the manipulation of instruments in a three-dimensional surgical environment while viewing a remote two-dimensional image
- Practice visuospatial awareness involved in depth cueing and the “fulcrum” effect of instrument manipulation