Managing Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma (mMOET)


Managing Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma (mMOET)

The mMOET course provides a high-level structured approach to recognition, resuscitation and treatment of medical emergencies and trauma in those with the altered physiology and anatomy of pregnancy.

The aims of the course include: 

  • To provide the knowledge, practical skills and procedures necessary to save the mother and fetus in life-threatening circumstances. 
  • To present a senior systematic approach of Primary Survey, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey and Definitive Care, enabling the clinician to give the best patient care in complex situation.
  • To review trauma and medical emergencies in the pregnant patient, including triage and transfer.

The online learning elements of the course deliver the knowledge components, preparing participants for the practical application of this knowledge during the face-to-face course.

Course content:*

  • Adult and neonatal resuscitation
  • Emergency management of trauma and burns
  • Obstetric and anaesthetic emergencies
  • Obstetric haemorrhage
  • Emergency management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
  • Complicated vaginal deliveries
  • Emergency placental and cord problems
  • Uterine rupture and inversion.
  • Cardiac arrest with PE
  • Severe pre-eclampsia 

* full course details available through ALSG -  

The manual, which is sent to candidates in advance of the course, should be read fully beforehand and the on-line (VLE) topics should be completed so that candidates can capitalise on the teaching provided.

The format for teaching consists of a comprehensive package of didactic teaching, scenarios, skills drills, small group workshops, demonstrations and moulages to teach and reinforce knowledge and skills acquired by the candidates

Candidate criteria and eligibility mMOET is aimed at the following grades and specialties:

Senior clinicians from multi-disciplinary specialties managing the care of pregnant women with medical emergencies and/or trauma. Obstetricians, anaesthetists, specialist high risk/HDU midwives, physicians and emergency doctors and trauma specialists. 

  • In obstetrics and gynaecology, Professors, Consultants, Staff Grades, Associate Specialists and Trust Doctors are automatically eligible. In a training grade candidates should have Part 2 MRCOG. 
  • Anaesthetic candidates should have FRCA or equivalent.
  • Staff and Associate Specialist doctors working regularly in obstetric anaesthesia are also eligible irrespective of FRCA status.
  • Emergency Medicine candidates should be Consultant, SpR or staff grade with a special interest in obstetric emergencies and trauma

Midwives can attend the course as an observer -  Email for more details

Cost £585.00 ( includes all meals and course materials) 

Assessment and certification

Assessment takes place by simulation-based OSCEs on day two of the course. If you are successful, mMOET certification is valid for four years and includes access to ALSG VLE.

Recertification options It is recommended that all candidates undertake the course again after four years to recertify

2 days, 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM


Session information


Day 1
08:00 - 18:00
1 day
    Day 2
    08:00 - 18:00
    1 day
      • £600.00 incl. VAT