Healthcare & Medical

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Continuing Professional Development is a lifelong process by which healthcare professionals learn and develop to meet their personal and professional needs, needs of the health service and needs of patients. The fundamental aim is to ensure that individuals continue to expand and improve their clinical knowledge, skills and attitudes, and ultimately to help improve patient safety and wellbeing.

Kingsbridge Training Academy provide credible and up to date short courses for all health professionals including Hospital Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals, GPs and Healthcare Support Workers. Our tutors are all clinical specialists who maintain senior positions in the Healthcare sector. This ensures that our delegates receive up to date, evidence-based delivery from clinical experts in their respective fields. We have a portfolio of over 50 courses for healthcare professionals and are continually adapting and evolving our portfolio to reflect sector changes and demand. Most courses are delivered via an innovative, blended learning approach to teaching and include classroom-based learning, online pre course study materials and self-directed study. All short courses are awarded CPD/CME credits on completion.

Sports Specific First Aid

9.30am - 4.30pm

From £135.00

This course is suitable for all sport first responders including physiotherapists, lifeguards, referees, spectators and players. It aims to improve the quality of basic first aid provided in the sporting environment, and will consist of practicals, lectures and written and practical assessments. Suitable for: Physiotherapists, coaches, those who supervise or take part in sporting events

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The Assessment and Management of Minor Injuries

From €535.00

This course is aimed at registered nurses and Advanced Nurse Practitioners and delegates working in Emergency departments or injury units who wish to develop their skills in the assessment, examination and management of the most commonly presented Minor Injuries.

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Transvaginal Ultrasound Training

9am - 5pm

From £341.00

This CPD certified course will explore the fundamental theory behind gynaecology ultrasound, and provide invaluable hands-on practical sessions to enhance the trainees scanning skills.

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Venepuncture and Cannulation

8.30am - 4.30pm

From £144.00

This course for healthcare professionals who wish to be kept updated with the latest legislation and practical techniques in relation to Venepuncture and Cannulation. Suitable for: Registered Nurses.

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