To provide knowledge of fire hazards, legislation, and how to act safely in the event of an emergency fire situation,
including selecting and using the correct fire extinguisher within a nursery school or educational environment.
- Discuss basic fire safety including hazard identification
- Outline appropriate action to take on discovering a fire and self-safety and who is responsible for calling the emergency services in an educational environment
- Outline the location of non-automated fire equipment, the fire escape route, and the assembly points within
the Nursery School
- Identify how fires can start and the common causes of fire
- Discuss how fires spread, how they are extinguished and the safe use of fire extinguishers
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At the end of the course delegates should be able to:
- Discuss the current fire safety legislation and actions to take on discovering a fire
- Outline potential causes of fire and how they can spread
- Appropriately contact emergency services in the event of a fire
- Locate the fire equipment, the fire escape routes and the assembly points
- Demonstrate the safe use of fire extinguishers