Interview Skills Preparation for Students Applying to Nursing & Midwifery

Prepare for your School of Nursing, School Midwifery university interview through this highly interactive course.

Suitable for: Those applying Nursing and Midwifery at University.

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Gain a thorough understanding of the interview process, an insight into commonly used automated recording software, the knowledge needed to deliver a well structured answer, as well as the practical experience needed to complete the interview successfully and confidently.


  • Discuss how to structure and deliver strong answers
  • Identify how to use each question as an opportunity to promote your skills and experience
  • Identify important interview techniques, and outline good personal attributes and body language
  • Be able to use the commonly used automated recorded interview software
  • Complete Mock Mini Interviews (MMIs)
  • Participate in roleplay scenarios and group discussions
  • Discuss the importance of hot topics such as work experience, The NHS and ethics

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At the end of the course delegates should be able to:

  • Structure and deliver interview questions in a convincing way
  • Demonstrate ways in which each question can be used as an opportunity to promote yourself
  • Discuss interview techniques, good personal attributes and suitable body language
  • Discuss nursing and midwifery as a career
  • Identify the importance of work experience, and how to include it in the answer
  • Understand the role of the NHS and how to answer ethical based questions and scenarios

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£120.00 (including VAT)


9:30am – 4:30pm

MMI Stations


Course available in-house