Level 2 Safeguarding Adults and Children at Risk of Harm

Safeguarding is the responsibility of every member of the dental team. Each person has a part to play in recognising and responding to the signs of harm and abuse in patients, and this course will develop further awareness and understanding of the processes related to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and how they relate to the roles and responsibilities within the practice.

Suitable for: All members of the dental team.

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Gain the up to date knowledge on adult protection and an overview of child protection helping delegates to recognise potential abuse and know what to do if they believe an individual is at risk.


  • Discuss adult harm and how it should not be tolerated
  • Identify the signs of harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect
  • Outline opportunities for harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect to occur
  • Discuss when to report safeguarding concerns to HSC Trusts or the PSNI including Reporting and Recording procedures
  • Identify the signs and indicators of child abuse and contributory factors
  • Discuss record keeping
  • Discuss how to respond appropriately to child safeguarding issues
  • Outline the roles within an organisation and how they should use the safeguarding policies and procedures

GDC Development Outcomes: A, B, C, D

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Level 3 Safeguarding Adult Champion Training

Safeguarding Children for Healthcare Staff


At the end of the course delegates should be able to:

  • Define abuse and identify who is at risk, with both children and adults
  • Identify the signs of abuse and demonstrate what to do if you become aware of abuse
  • Discuss what to record, how report and share information about abuse
  • Discuss the relevant legislation in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults
  • Outline the responsibility that healthcare professionals have, in reporting and responding to possibly signs of abuse in both children and adults

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Register your interest via info@kingsbridgetrainingacademy.com


£42.00 (including VAT)


9:00am – 1:00pm



Kingsbridge Training Academy
10 Falcon Way, Boucher Road,
Belfast, BT12 6SQ

Accredited by

4 CPD Hours


Course available in-house